35th Christmas concert Cooperative Steam Blowing Chapel
The Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel (CSAK) will give their 35th traditional Christmas concert in the main hall of apartment building De Burcht, in Beek en Donk. This Christmas concert is offered by them to all tenants, residents, supervisors and volunteers of the residential buildings De Burcht, De Regt and De Oever and the immediately adjacent old buildings on Pater Becanusstraat and Beverstraat.
The organisation is in the hands of the board of the Tenants' Interest Organisation of De Burcht, De Regt and De Oever and the immediately adjacent old buildings (BVBRO). As every year, over 100 people are expected to join the chapel members for a festive, musical and atmospheric Christmas concert. The BVBRO board and several volunteers will provide an atmospheric, dressed-up ambiance and demonstrate people-friendly hospitality with free coffee, tea and something sweet.
- Own residents Free