Recht en Orde Laarbeek

(19.0 km)

Before 1800, the aldermen of the manor of Beek en Donk were authorised to administer justice. Visible instruments of criminal justice in particular were the jaw and the gallows. The jaw stood in the middle of the village, so that the person who was being jailed was visible to everyone. The gallows, on the other hand, as an instrument of capital punishment, was located as far away as possible from the inhabited world, at the border of the manor. The Recht en Orde (law and order) walking route takes you through the culturally and historically valuable area of the Broek and the Leek.

The walking route can be started on the …

Before 1800, the aldermen of the manor of Beek en Donk were authorised to administer justice. Visible instruments of criminal justice in particular were the jaw and the gallows. The jaw stood in the middle of the village, so that the person who was being jailed was visible to everyone. The gallows, on the other hand, as an instrument of capital punishment, was located as far away as possible from the inhabited world, at the border of the manor. The Recht en Orde (law and order) walking route takes you through the culturally and historically valuable area of the Broek and the Leek.

The walking route can be started on the Heuvelplein at 'De Kaak', at Herberg de Brabantse Kluis and at café-restaurant De Koksehoeve. The length is 19 km and is signposted. Shorter routes can be taken. Leaflets with detailed description and route map available from Herberg de Brabantse Kluis. This route is an initiative of the local history society De Lange Vonder and the municipality of Laarbeek.

Das wirst du sehen


Kloosterdreef 8
5735 SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Navigiere zum Startpunkt


Kloosterdreef 8
5735 SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Navigiere zum Endpunkt



Kloosterdreef 8
5735 SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Navigiere zum Startpunkt

Departure points:
-From Heuvelplein in Beek en Donk (route 1)
(Peeleindseweg), distance 10 km.
-From the Heuvelplein in Beek en Donk (route 2)
(Vonderweg Oost), distance 14 km.
-From the Heuvelplein in Beek en Donk (route 3)
(Putweg), distance 17 km.


Kloosterdreef 8
5735 SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Navigiere zum Endpunkt