Senior Citizens PubQuiz

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Seniors' Association Beek and Donk is holding a PubQuiz. If you have a broad general knowledge as well as a good knowledge of Laarbeek, Seniorenvereniging Beek en Donk is holding a fun PubQuiz for you, and all other (younger) seniors, at the Ontmoetingscentrum in Beek en Donk. The questions are of all kinds and range from easy to slightly more difficult. 

You can sign up individually or as a group (minimum 4 - maximum 6 people). If you…

Seniors' Association Beek and Donk is holding a PubQuiz. If you have a broad general knowledge as well as a good knowledge of Laarbeek, Seniorenvereniging Beek en Donk is holding a fun PubQuiz for you, and all other (younger) seniors, at the Ontmoetingscentrum in Beek en Donk. The questions are of all kinds and range from easy to slightly more difficult. 

You can sign up individually or as a group (minimum 4 - maximum 6 people). If you register as an individual, you will be assigned to a group by the organisation upon entry. If you sign up as a group, you will of course stay together as a group during the game. The questions will be projected on a screen. You will have ample time to watch and read and then come to an answer with the group.  They divide the evening into two parts of about 45 minutes with a break in between for a cup of coffee or tea. Part two of the evening will be followed by a break for a drink and a snack. This will be followed by the prize-giving ceremony with fun prizes for the winning group(s)!

The fee includes a cup of coffee or tea, a drink and a snack. This amount must be paid upon entry and can be paid in cash or with a QR code. Please register before 3 January, stating the number of people and mentioning ‘individual’ or ‘group’ (possibly group name). You can register via the e-mail address. 


  • Members €5.00
  • Non-members €6.50
