Laarbeek Town Hall

You can find out which services are provided on the website of the Municipality of Laarbeek.

Laarbeek is a municipality in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, partly situated in the Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch and partly in the Peelrand. The municipality was created on 1 January 1997 by the merger of the former municipalities Aarle-Rixtel, Beek en Donk and Lieshout (which also included the church village Mariahout). The town hall is located in Beek en Donk. The municipality has 22,806 inhabitants (1 July 2021, source: CBS). In total there are 9,011 households (11 December 2015, source: CBS). Laarbeek has a surface area of 55.86 km² (of which 0.21 km² is water). The municipality of Laarbeek is part of the framework law area SRE. In the municipality you can find the nature reserve Biezen and Milschot, which is owned by Staatsbosbeheer.

The name 'Laa…

You can find out which services are provided on the website of the Municipality of Laarbeek.

Laarbeek is a municipality in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, partly situated in the Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch and partly in the Peelrand. The municipality was created on 1 January 1997 by the merger of the former municipalities Aarle-Rixtel, Beek en Donk and Lieshout (which also included the church village Mariahout). The town hall is located in Beek en Donk. The municipality has 22,806 inhabitants (1 July 2021, source: CBS). In total there are 9,011 households (11 December 2015, source: CBS). Laarbeek has a surface area of 55.86 km² (of which 0.21 km² is water). The municipality of Laarbeek is part of the framework law area SRE. In the municipality you can find the nature reserve Biezen and Milschot, which is owned by Staatsbosbeheer.

The name 'Laarbeek' was chosen from many names on 8 March 1994. The inhabitants of the former municipalities of which Laarbeek was formed could submit a new name for the municipality themselves. For example, the municipality could have been called Groenewoud, Bextelhout, Grotendonk, Laarlanden or Beek en Donk.

The name Laarbeek is a fusion of the terms 'Laar' (after the hamlet Het Laar, which forms the centre of the municipality) and 'beek' (a reference to the various brooks that cross the municipality such as the Aa and the Goorloop).

The merging into Laarbeek is symbolised by the work of art Accretio.

The name Laarbeek also consists of parts of the former municipal names: The 'L' refers to Lieshout, 'aar' to Aarle-Rixtel and 'beek' to Beek en Donk.

Neem contact op

Gemeentehuis Laarbeek
Koppelstraat 37
5741GA Beek en Donk
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