De Rips

De Rips is a reclamation village in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel in North Brabant. De Rips has a population of over 1,100 inhabitants. The history of habitation in the area goes far back, as objects from the Tjonger culture were found

The parish of de Rips was founded in 1921. You will find many characteristic forest workers' houses, larger farms in a different architectural style and Rip panels, which depict the history of de Rips. The forest area of De Rips is a must for the true lover of nature and history.

The Pioneer, a bronze statue of a worker performing reclamation work. It is located in front of the community center.

Chapel Mary of Charity, an octagonal and slate-covered building from 1994, on the Middenpeel Road. The chapel has a beautiful wrought iron entrance gate and painting. The establishment of this chapel was a private initiative of the couple Ineke and Bernard Ploegmakers. A small exhibition has been set up in the nearby barn of their farm. Ineke is said to have had a vision in 1990.



The Forest Museum, near the Beestenveld parking lot, shows the rich history of the Peeldorp through information panels and visual materials. It opened in 2008.

The Heerlijckheid Gemert-Bakel consists of 7 Church villages. Gemert, Bakel, De Mortel, Handel, Elsendorp, De Rips and Milheeze. Each village has its own rich history. Each village here is unique. Click here for a short introductory film about Gemert-Bakel:'Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel'. It is definitely worthwhile to come and visit the church villages. For a day out, a weekend trip or an overnight stay in nature. In Gemert-Bakel there is plenty for adults and children to see, do and experience.


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