In de ban van de Kaweise Loop

(6.9 km)

Beautiful route along the flowery banks of the Kaweise Loop. You can walk through nature from the artworks of Emelie Jegerings and Jolanda Tielens, who painted there for 2.5 years.

Route via GPX or Komoot 
The route is approx. 6.9 km long. Use the GPX file or walk the route via the hiking app Komoot.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Startpunt wandeling In de ban van de Kaweise Loop
Walsbergseweg 44
5752 PA Deurne
Navigate to starting point

End point:

Eindpunt wandeling In de ban van de Kaweise Loop
Walsbergseweg 44
5752 PA Deurne
Navigate to endpoint