Quest of discovery through Gemert

VVV Seigniorial Freedom Gemert-Bakel has developed a “Quest to discover the Seigniorial History”, in cooperation with local history circle ”De Kommanderij Gemert”, where you can use your smartphone or tablet to receive information during your hike about interesting places in the area.
First you have to visit the website for some information about what augmented reality actually is.
Visit met je telefoon
Afterwards you can start your hike through the region. Know that there are numerous possibilities to be discovered in Gemert-Bakel.
The objects that are visited during the quest are all located near the castle of Gemert.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Ontdekkingstocht Gemert
Ridderplein 49
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End point:

Ontdekkingstocht Gemert
Ridderplein 49
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