't Geregt

(5.0 km)

Adjacent to Mariahout is 't Geregt/Lijnt (Meierijstad). A wide forest path runs parallel to the canal here, which was formerly used as a shortcut from Beek en Donk to Veghel. The old oaks give the current sandy path an avenue-like character. The name 't Geregt' refers to the place where, until the end of the 18th century, legal punishments were carried out. There was a gallows (map 1752) near the prehistoric burial mound. This mound has a diameter of 15 metres and a height of about 80 centimetres. This point also served as a border point between Veghel, Lieshout and Erp. To the southwest of the burial mound, shifting dunes are still visible from the topsoil ridge.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

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Starting point:

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Hiking point 15: Start
Distance to next point: 1,7 km

Hiking selection point 14
Distance to next point: 1,3 km

Hiking selection point 11
Distance to next point: 400 m

Hiking selection point 10
Distance to next point: 0 m

Hiking selection point 10
Distance to next point: 1,3 km

Hiking selection point 15: End

End point:

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