Ommetje Zuid Mariahout

(5.5 km)

The area enclosed by the diversions covers 68 hectares and is characterised by small-scale elements such as pollard-willows and small wooded banks in a mixture of arable farming and pasture. Many elements from the last reclamation period around 1920 are still visible here. With the Keelgras and the Moorselen as nature pearls lying in the EHS (Ecological Main Structure) it gives a picture of old and modern cultural landscape. The names of the roads on this hike refer to the fens that were originally here.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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End point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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Starting point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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The Mariahout Walking Route Network consists of 16 optimised walking routes. A large board, with a total overview of the routes, is located at the O.L.Vr. van Lourdes church in Mariahout.

End point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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