Ommetje West Mariahout

(5.0 km)

The area enclosed by the Ommetje West Mariahout is 52 ha and is characterised by woods, fens and meadows, bordered by thickets for numerous birds.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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End point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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Starting point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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The Mariahout Walking Route Network consists of 16 optimised walking routes. A large board, with a total overview of the routes, is located at the O.L.Vr. van Lourdes church in Mariahout.

End point:

Mariastraat 25
5738AH Mariahout
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