Village walk in Someren

(3.0 km)

VILLAGE WALK Someren-Dorp; 
The route starts at the Tourist Information Point, De Meer 21 in Someren.
The village walk through the center of Someren-Dorp takes you, accompanied by a guide, along Wilhelminaplein, Laan ten Roode, Molenstraat (Heemhuis and Archeologiehuis), Postelpark (Kloostertuin), Kerkstraat, Postel, Floreffestraat, Tuinstraat and Speelheuvelstraat. The walk with a high “oh yes” and “tis still zeund” content brings the history of Someren to life and also allows you to enjoy a bird's-eye view of the cultural-historical heritage. The free brochure of this Village Walk with a route map and further information is available at the Someren Tourist Office, or click on the button below; "View route in PDF" To request a village walk accompanied by a guide, you can contact the Tourist Information Point Someren during opening hours, tel. 0493-496888 or send an email   stating request for a village walk in Someren.   

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Toeristisch Informatiepunt Someren
De Meer 21a
5711XC Someren
Navigate to starting point

End point:

Toeristisch Informatiepunt Someren
De Meer 21a
5711XC Someren
Navigate to endpoint
