Walking route from Croy to Goorloop Aarle-Rixtel

(10.0 km)

You walk along the Kasteelweg in the direction of walking junction 69. You will pass the Henricushoeve, Verbakel Stables and the Antoniushoeve horticultural farm. At walking route 69, turn right and follow the footpath along the Goorloop. Further on you walk across the Croy estate along Croy Castle and the Streekwinkel Croy. You walk further towards Aarle-Rixtel. On the Hagelkruisweg you will pass the old Hagelkruis. You then walk through Aarle-Rixtel and pass the former town hall and the Onze Lieve Vrouw Presentation Church. On the Bosscheweg, you pass the Mariengaarde monastery complex. Finally, you walk out of Aarle-Rixtel through Laag Strijp nature reserve.  (60% paved - 40% unpaved).

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Croylaan 5
5735PB Aarle-Rixtel
Navigate to starting point

End point:

Croylaan 5
5735PB Aarle-Rixtel
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Starting point:

Croylaan 5
5735PB Aarle-Rixtel
Navigate to starting point

69 Distance to next point: 800 m
30 Distance to next point: 2.2 km
59 Distance to next point: 1,6 km
39 Distance to next point: 550 m
51 Distance to next point: 300 m
99 Distance to next point: 550 m
08 Distance to next point: 700 m
58 Distance to next point: 500 m
32 Distance to next point: 1.2 km
52 Distance to next point: 1.1 km
69 End of route

End point:

Croylaan 5
5735PB Aarle-Rixtel
Navigate to endpoint
  • 52
  • 69
  • 30
  • 59
  • 39
  • 51
  • 99
  • 8
  • 58
  • 32