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IVN Lecture 'The rushes and bulwarks'

until 18 April

Jan Timmers gives the lecture 'De rushes en de landweren' at IVN.
Jan Timmers of local history society De Kommanderij from Gemert gives this lecture. The presentation is in IVN building De Bimd.

In the late Middle Ages, the borders between villages were agreed upon and recorded. In many places, these borders were also provided with bulwarks. Among other things, these had a function as defences. This came in handy during the Wars of Gelderland and the 80-year war.
A book has been published and videos have been made about the c…

Jan Timmers gives the lecture 'De rushes en de landweren' at IVN.
Jan Timmers of local history society De Kommanderij from Gemert gives this lecture. The presentation is in IVN building De Bimd.

In the late Middle Ages, the borders between villages were agreed upon and recorded. In many places, these borders were also provided with bulwarks. Among other things, these had a function as defences. This came in handy during the Wars of Gelderland and the 80-year war.
A book has been published and videos have been made about the country rampart between Laarbeek and Gemert along the Snelle Loop. But what exactly is a land defence? What do these things look like? What function did they have? Where can you find them? How old are they? These are all questions that will be dealt with during the lecture on ramparts. And of course we will pay special attention to the moats on the borders of Gemert, Bakel, Beek en Donk and Aarle-Rixtel. Those landweren are partly still there today. They are landscape monuments with a special history.
Jan Timmers can talk tastefully about the archives showing how farmers from Gemert bypassed the landweren and let their cattle graze on the Laarbeek side.

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IVN-gebouw De Bimd
Beekseweg 3
5735CB Aarle-Rixtel
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