Walking route network Asten Overview map

The yellow symbols with numbers on the map correspond to the yellow-green nodes in the field. By walking from one node to the next, you create your own walking route. At each node you can choose in which direction you wish to continue the walking route. 

The walking route network can be walked in two directions. On the map you will see a number between the nodes that indicates the distance between the nodes. This way you can precisely calculate the length of the route.

On the map you will find three different types of walking…

The yellow symbols with numbers on the map correspond to the yellow-green nodes in the field. By walking from one node to the next, you create your own walking route. At each node you can choose in which direction you wish to continue the walking route. 

The walking route network can be walked in two directions. On the map you will see a number between the nodes that indicates the distance between the nodes. This way you can precisely calculate the length of the route.

On the map you will find three different types of walking paths: unpaved, paved and boots path. Depending on the season, footwear or condition, it is possible to avoid difficult paths. The paved paths are best suited for a walk with wheelchairs or prams. The boot path is especially soggy after prolonged rainfall. High walking shoes or boots should not be missing during this period. 

Places of interest are indicated with symbols on the map. The overview map of the Asten walking route network is available at VVV Asten for the price of € 5.95. 

Overview maps of other places in the Peel are also available at VVV Asten, such as Deurne, Gemert-Bakel, Helmond, Laarbeek, Someren, Geldrop-Mierlo, etc. etc.

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Overzichtskaart wandelroutenetwerk Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
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End point:

Overzichtskaart wandelroutenetwerk Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
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